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Date: 1737

"Brave Souls when loos'd from this ignoble Chain / Of Clay, and sent to their own Heav'n again, / From Earth's gross Orb on Virtue's Pinions rise / In Æther wanton, and enjoy the Skies."

— Baker, Henry (1698-1774)

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Date: 1737

"As in the greater World, aspiring Flame, / Earth, Water, Air, make the material Frame: / And thro' the Members a commanding Soul / Infus'd, directs the Motion of the Whole: / So 'tis in Man, the lesser World: the Case / Is Clay, unactive, and an earthly Mass: / But the Blood's Streams the ruli...

— Baker, Henry (1698-1774)

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Date: 1737

"[N]ot half so mad / The Corybantes, when with frequent Blows / On the shrill Brass they strike, as is the Mind / Where direful Anger reigns."

— Baker, Henry (1698-1774)

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Date: 1737

"And sure his very Soul itself was Steel."

— Baker, Henry (1698-1774)

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Date: 1737 (also 1738, 1743, reprinted 1754)

"Curst with such souls of base alloy, / As can possess, but not enjoy, / Debarr'd the pleasure to impart / By av'rice, sphincter of the heart, / Who wealth, hard earn'd by guilty cares, / Bequeath untouch'd to thankless heirs."

— Green, Matthew (1696-1737)

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Date: 1738

"Matchless Numbers! surely blest / Which cou'd touch that Iron Breast, / That ne'er before had Pity felt"

— Boyse, Samuel (1708-1749)

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Date: 1738

"The Grecian Prince the Love of Virtue taught: / With Fortitude and Patience steel'd his Breast."

— Boyse, Samuel (1708-1749)

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Date: 1738, 1792

"Love ... Give the soft sex to loathe inglorious rest, / String the weak arm, and steel the snowy breast!"

— Brooke, Henry (c. 1703-1783)

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Date: 1739

"Nor old Sir H***s, whose Soul is plung'd in Oar, / That Gold can't shut the Grave against Fourscore. "

— Miller, James (1704-1744)

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Date: 1739

"But come ye purer souls from dross refin'd, / The blameless heart and uncorrupted mind!"

— Boyse, Samuel (1708-1749)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.