Date: 1737
"As in the greater World, aspiring Flame, / Earth, Water, Air, make the material Frame: / And thro' the Members a commanding Soul / Infus'd, directs the Motion of the Whole: / So 'tis in Man, the lesser World: the Case / Is Clay, unactive, and an earthly Mass: / But the Blood's Streams the ruli...
preview | full record— Baker, Henry (1698-1774)
Date: 1739
"More hard than Marble is my Heart, / And foul with Sins of deepest Stain: / But Thou the mighty Saviour art, / Nor flow'd thy cleansing Blood in vain. / Ah! soften, melt this Rock, and may / Thy Blood wash all these Stains away."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1761
"Did not your master Plato maintain, that all the art of man, that all philosophy could not extract from the human mind what nature had not implanted there; as all the operations in chemistry are incapable of extracting from any mixture more gold than is already contained in it?"
preview | full record— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778); Kenrick, William (1729/30-1779)
Date: 1799
"Ignorance has set her stamp upon him--his mind seared to every virtuous impression--his heart flint, and his temper moved by the slightest breath"
preview | full record— West, Matthew (d. 1814); Kotzebue (1761-1819)