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Date: 1759

"His mind is continually occupied with what is too grand and solemn, to leave any room for the impressions of those frivolous objects, which fill up the attention of the dissipated and the gay."

— Smith, Adam (1723-1790)

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Date: September 15, 1759

"Where there is no striking disparity, it is difficult to know of two which remembers most, and still more difficult to discover which read with greater attention, which has renewed the first impression by more frequent repetitions, or by what accidental combination of ideas either mind might hav...

— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)

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Date: 1759

"Your Memory, and Understanding too / Will still acquire new Strength, by reading slow. / The Traveller, who o'er the Country flies, / Few rural Beauties, with Discernment, spies; / Objects, that pass so swift, confound the Mind, / And no distinct Impression leave behind."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"Precepts in Verse, to measure still confin'd, / Can make more deep Impression, in the Mind."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"Ah! never at immodest Plays appear; / A wanton Farce, and a lascivious Play, / The Seeds of Vice insensibly convey; / There Virgin Innocence is first betray'd / By bad Impressions, on the Fancy made."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"Such is the charm / Of heart-felt virtue; such is nature's force / That speaks abroad, and in rude northern hearts / Can stamp the image of an awful God."

— Murphy, Arthur (1727-1805)

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Date: 1759

"The way to be happy is to live according to nature, in obedience to that universal and unalterable law with which every heart is originally impressed; which is not written on it by precept, but engraven by destiny, not instilled by education, but infused at our nativity."

— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)

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Date: 1759

"From their children, if they have less to fear, they have less also to hope, and they lose, without equivalent the joys of early love and the convenience of uniting with manners pliant, and minds susceptible of new impressions, which might wear away their dissimilitudes by long cohabitation, as ...

— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)

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Date: September 1, 1759.

" Ideas are retained by renovation of that impression which time is always wearing away, and which new images are striving to obliterate."

— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)

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Date: December 29, 1759

"In childhood, while our minds are yet unoccupied, religion is impressed upon them, and the first years of almost all who have been well educated are passed in a regular discharge of the duties of piety."

— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.