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Date: 1749

"Long did our lusts and passions reign, / And ruled us with an iron rod"

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1762

"Come, and erect Thy throne / Eternal in my heart."

— Wesley, John and Charles

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Date: 1764, 1773

"But thou, my friend! while in thy youthful soul / Love's gentle tyrant seats his aweful throne, / Write from thy bosom--let not art controul / The ready pen, that makes his edicts known."

— Shenstone, William (1714-1763)

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Date: 1765

"Mere Affectation vainly would assert / A steady, lasting empire o'er the heart"

— Stevenson, William (1730-1783)

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Date: 1801

A lover's heart may be one's throne

— Huddesford, George (bap. 1749, d. 1809)

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Date: 1804

One may part "Ere love had held long empire in his heart"

— Langhorne, John (1735-1779)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.