Date: Tuesday, January 15, 1712
"We discovered several little Roads or Canals running from the Ear into the Brain, and took particular care to trace them out through their several Passages."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: Wednesday, July 2, 1712
"Our Reason can pursue a Particle of Matter through an infinite Variety of Divisions, but the Fancy soon loses sight of it, and feels in it self a kind of Chasm, that wants to be filled with Matter of a more sensible Bulk."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: 1712
"These Out-guards of the Mind are sent abroad, / And still patrolling beat the neighb'ring Road: / Or to the Parts remote obedient fly, / Keep Posts advanc'd, and on the Frontier lye."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1712
"Quick, as a darted Beam of Light, they [the spirits] go, / Thro' diff'rent Paths to diff'rent Organs flow, / Whence they reflect as swiftly to the Brain, / To give it Pleasure, or to give it Pain."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1712
"But other Spirits govern'd by the Will / Shoot thro' their Tracks, and distant Muscles fill. / This Sov'raign by his arbitrary Nod / Restrains, or sends his Ministers abroad."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1712
"O'er Ministerial Senses [the soul] does preside, / To all their various Provinces divide, / Each Member move, and ev'ry Motion guide."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1712
"Which by her secret uncontested Nod / Her Messengers the Spirits sends abroad, / Thro' ev'ry nervous Pass, and ev'ry vital Road. / To fetch from ev'ry distant Part a Train, / Of outward Objects to enrich the Brain."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1712
"The Heart, as said, from its contracted Cave / On the Left Side, Ejects the bounding Wave."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1712
"With Scarlet Honours re-adorn'd the Tide / Leaps on, and bright with more than Tyrian Pride, / Advances to the Heart, and fills the Cave / On the Left Side, which the first Motion gave."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1712
"And tho' these Spirits, which obsequious go, / Know not the Paths, thro' which they ready flow, / Nor can our Mind instruct them in their Way, / Of all their Roads as ignorant, as they; / Yet seldom erring they attain their End, / And reach that single Part, which we intend."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)