Literary Period
Early Modern (161)
Eighteenth Century (144)
Age of Sensibility (96)
Augustan (65)
Restoration (47)
Seventeenth Century (17)
Romantic (8)
Metaphor Category
Motion (32)
Uncategorized (23)
Population (22)
Light (18)
Government (16)
Liquid (13)
Architecture (11)
Animals (10)
Plant (10)
Prose (74)
Poetry (67)
Prose Fiction (15)
Translation (6)
Drama (5)
Dictionary (1)
Letter (1)
- Gender of Author
Nationality of Author
English (101)
Scottish (27)
Irish or Anglo-Irish (14)
French (2)
Dutch (1)
Politics of Author
Whig (37)
Tory (18)
From Tory to Whig (11)
Jacobite (3)
Opposition Whig (3)
Parliamentarian (2)
Whiggish (2)
Religion of Author
Anglican (34)
Church of Scotland (20)
Roman Catholic (5)
Deist or Theist (4)
Independent (2)
Latitudinarian (2)
Date: w. January 24, 1789
"Your dear idea reigns, and reigns alone; / Each thought intoxicated homage yields, / And riots wanton in forbidden fields."
preview | full record— Burns, Robert (1759-1796)