Date: 1760-7
"Indeed there is one thing to be considered, that in Nova Zembla, North Lapland, and in all those cold and dreary tracts of the globe, which lie more directly under the artick and antartick circles,--where the whole province of a man's concernments lies for near nine months together, withi...
preview | full record— Sterne, Laurence (1713-1768)
Date: 1760-7
"But the heat gradually increasing, and in a few seconds more getting beyond the point of all sober pleasure, and then advancing with all speed into the regions of pain,--the soul of Phutatorius, together with all his ideas, his thoughts, his attention, his imagination, judgment, resolution, deli...
preview | full record— Sterne, Laurence (1713-1768)
Date: 1776
"Besides, my Lucy is a perfect Columbus in the terra incognita of lovers hearts, and discovered her faithful Stanley's fond attachment in his speaking eyes, for many months before his tongue revealed it."
preview | full record— Griffith, Elizabeth (1720-1793)
Date: 1776
"Not that I wou'd encourage the modern philosophy, which reduces all virtue to self-interest; for if I may hazard an unborrowed simile, the liberal mind may be compared to the Nile, which enriches the soil, from its own abundance, without requiring any return."
preview | full record— Griffith, Elizabeth (1720-1793)
Date: 1776
"Would it were passed, and that like Aetna, though my bosom flamed, my head was crowned with snow."
preview | full record— Griffith, Elizabeth (1720-1793)
Date: 1778, 1779
"How rapid was then my Evelina's progress through those regions of fancy and passion whither her new guide conducted her!"
preview | full record— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)
Date: 1782
"Mean while Cecilia, disturbed from the calm of soft serenity to which she had yielded every avenue of her soul, now looked forward with distrust and uneasiness, even to the completion of the views which but a few minutes before had comprised all her notions of felicity."
preview | full record— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)
Date: 1787
"Those who were well acquainted with the world and the Court, agreed, that the heart of woman was an inexplicable abyss; and all remarked the novelty of this sentiment."
preview | full record— Louise Florence Pétronille Tardieu d'Ésclavelles Épinay (marquise d') (1726-1783)
Date: 1788
"Still, however, the sense of her own incurable unhappiness, her own irretrievable unworthiness, and the disgrace of having sullied the honour of her family, and given pain to such a brother, overwhelmed her with grief and confusion; while her reason, as it at intervals returned, served only to s...
preview | full record— Smith, Charlotte (1749-1806)
Date: 1790
"But, the region of passion is a land of despotism, where reason exercises but a mock jurisdiction; and is continually forced to submit to an arbitrary tyrant, who, rejecting her fixed and temperate laws, is guided only by the dangerous impulse of his own violent and uncontroulable wishes."
preview | full record— Williams, Helen Maria (1759-1827)