Date: 1686, 1689, 1697
"As soon as ever the Parts begin to be form'd by Nature, this Animal and active Principle begins to exert its Heat and Force, being lodged in the Heart as in the Centre of the Body, from whence, as the Vessels begin also to be form'd, it distributes it self towards the extreme Regions, communicat...
preview | full record— Nourse, Timothy (c.1636–1699)
Date: 1688
"Sole Queen of my affections and desire, / That like to Ætna sets my heart on fire,"
preview | full record— Scot, Walter (b. 1613, d. in or after 1688)
Date: 1688
"I will be deaf and blind, and guard my Heart with Walls of Ice, and make you know, that when the Flames of true Devotion are kindled in a Heart, it puts out all other Fires; which are as ineffectual, as Candles lighted in the Face of the Sun."
preview | full record— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)
Date: 1688
"But Love, who had hitherto but play'd with her Heart, and given it naught but pleasing, wanton Wounds, such as afforded only soft Joys, and not Pains, resolv'd, either out of Revenge to those Numbers she had abandon'd, and who had sigh'd so long in vain; or to try what power he had upon so fickl...
preview | full record— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)
Date: 1688
"He finds this dreaded Rival in the same House with him, with an Authority equal to his own; and fansies, where two Hearts are so entirely agreed, and have so good an Understanding, it wou'd not be impossible to find Opportunities to satisfie and ease that mutual Flame that burnt so equally in bo...
preview | full record— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)
Date: 1688
"Nor cou'd all his Sufferings, and the Prospect of Death it self, drive from his Soul one Spark of that Fire the obstinate God had fatally kindl'd there."
preview | full record— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)
Date: 1690, 1694, 1695, 1700, 1706
"I shall not here enquire, though it may seem probable, that the Constitution of the Body does sometimes influence the Memory; since we oftentimes find a Disease quite strip the Mind of all its Ideas, and the flames of a Fever, in a few days, calcine all those Images to dust and confusion, which ...
preview | full record— Locke, John (1632-1704)
Date: 1690, 1694, 1695, 1700, 1706
"But though we have, here and there, a little of this clear light, some sparks of bright knowledge; yet the greatest part of our ideas are such, that we cannot discern their agreement or disagreement by an immediate comparing them."
preview | full record— Locke, John (1632-1704)
Date: 1691
"I was nothing but all Flame and Fire, and the red-hot Thoughts glared about my Brains at such a rate, and if visible, wou'd, I fancy, have made just such a dreadful Appearance as the Window of a Glass-house discovers in a dark Night--viz. a parcel of stragling fiery Globes marching about and hiz...
preview | full record— Dunton, John (1659–1732)
Date: 1691
"Where lest a Cold oppress my vital part, / A gentle fire is kindled by the Heart."
preview | full record— Dunton, John (1659–1732)