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Date: March 1756

"The thought-kindling light, / Thy prime production, darts upon my mind / Its vivifying beams, my heart illumines, / And fills my soul with gratitude and Thee."

— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)

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Date: June, 1756

"Glow, glow, my soul, with pure seraphic fire."

— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)

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Date: 1756

"Oh, God of Sleep! arise, and spread / Thy healing vapours round my head; / To thy friendly mansions take, / My soul that burns, / Till he returns, / For whom alone I wish to wake."

— Bickerstaff, Isaac (b. 1733, d. after 1808)

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Date: 1756

"Alas! she hears me not; within her mind, / As warring flames are in the earth confin'd, / So is her rage and indignation pent."

— Bickerstaff, Isaac (b. 1733, d. after 1808)

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Date: 1756

"My brain's on fire, my blood begins to boil."

— Bickerstaff, Isaac (b. 1733, d. after 1808)

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Date: 1756, 1793

"My heart is pregnant, and my soul on fire"

— Blacklock, Thomas (1721-1791)

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Date: 1757

"But when it is such a truth, as I do not only hear, but feel; and it comes home to my own very sense and experience: shall any sophistical reasonings wrangle me out of it; what though I cannot resolve the question, [GREEK CHARACTERS] whence the evil was derived: whether from the soul formed in t...

— Jenks, Benjamin (bap. 1648, d. 1724)

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Date: Performed Dec 1756, published 1757

"Would thou wert not / Compos'd of grief and tenderness alone, / But had'st a spark of other passions in thee, / Pride, anger, vanity, the strong desire / Of admiration, dear to woman kind;/ These might contend with, and allay thy grief, / As meeting tides and currents smooth our firth."

— Home, John (1722-1808)

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Date: Performed Dec 1756, published 1757

"Then my bosom's flame / Oft, as blown back by the rude breath of fear, / Return'd, and with redoubled ardour blaz'd."

— Home, John (1722-1808)

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Date: Performed Dec 1756, published 1757

"Whilst thus I mus'd, a spark from fancy fell / On my sad heart, and kindled up a fondness / For this young stranger, wand'ring from his home, / And like an orphan cast upon my care."

— Home, John (1722-1808)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.