Date: 1997
"The Loaf, the indispensible point of convergence upon every British table, the solid British Quartern Loaf, is like the Soul, Emptiness."
preview | full record— Pynchon, Thomas (b. 1937)
Date: December 29, 2009
"We have to crack the cognitive egg and scramble it up."
preview | full record— Strauch, Barbara
Date: April 4, 2011
"Theodicy-god has evolved now to both substance and not. / With handy metaphysical blades to slice brain meat from mind."
preview | full record— Williams, C. K. (b. 1936)
Date: February 9, 2019
"Many evolutionary biologists are fond of pointing out that the human body is not adapted to modern life, which often involves sitting for hours at a time and toiling in artificial light and consuming mounds of processed sugar ('There's no food in your food,' as the Joan Cusack character says in ...
preview | full record— Senior, Jennifer