Date: 1686, 1689, 1697
"Having spoken in the foregoing Chapter of the Improvements of the Mind by Erudition, it follows of Course that we speak of the Improvement of the Body by Exercise. Indeed a Vigorous and Athletick Habit of Body, doth extreamly advance the like Disposition and Ability in the Mind; Since all Intell...
preview | full record— Nourse, Timothy (c.1636–1699)
Date: 1704
"His Thoughts were undisguis'd, and unconfin'd, / As naked as his Body was his Mind.
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1704
"From thence the Taylor and the Parson join'd, / To cloath his naked Body and his Mind; / The Taylor only form'd the outward Sign, / To shew what sort of Creature liv'd within; / The Priest amaz'd him in his Mystick School, / Turn'd his Head round, and made him Knave and Fool."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: Read 1680-1681, published 1705
"But of this, and the manner of contracting of the Pupil, more, when I come to explain that part of the Eye; that which intention it for at present is, only to explain how the Eye becomes as it were a Hand, by which the Brain feels, and touches (the Objects, by creating a Motion in the Retina, th...
preview | full record— Hooke, Robert (1635-1703)
Date: 1714
"But when a monad has organs that are adjusted in such a way that, through them, there is contrast and distinction among the impressions they receive, and consequently contrast and distinction in the perceptions that represent them [in the monads] (as, for example, when the rays of light are conc...
preview | full record— Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716)
Date: 1718
"Epicurus, that it [sperm] is a Fragment torn from the Body and Soul."
preview | full record— Plutarch (c. 46-120)
Date: 1718
""Lausippus and Zeno, [sperm] 'tis a Body, and it is a Fragment of the Soul."
preview | full record— Plutarch (c. 46-120)
Date: 1718
"Pythagoras, Plato and Aristotle, that the Spermatick Faculty is incorporeal, as the Mind is which moves the Body, but the effused Matter is corporeal."
preview | full record— Plutarch (c. 46-120)
Date: 1728
A peevish, pettish temper "disarms the Heart of its natural Integrity; it induces us to throw away our true Armour, our natural Courage, and cowardly to commit our selves to the vain Protection of others, while we neglect our own Defence"
preview | full record— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)
Date: 1733
"Nothing is more void of real improvement and instruction to the mind, and more fulsom, than heaps of quotations, and tedious disquisitions what opinions such and such men were of, in relation to matters properly determinable only by right reason and Scripture."
preview | full record— Browne, Peter (d. 1735)