Date: 1798
Prejudices "are like old Wounds! when the weather changes they still smart"
preview | full record— Plumptre, Anne (1760-1818); Kotzebue (1761-1819)
Date: 1831
"In the ruminations of the inner man, and the dissecting our thoughts and desires, we employ our intellectual arithmetic, we add, and subtract, and multiply, and divide, without asking the aid, without adverting to the existence, of our joints and members"
preview | full record— Godwin, William (1756-1836)
Date: 1831
"He does not think it worth his while under these circumstances, to 'gird up the loins of his mind.'"
preview | full record— Godwin, William (1756-1836)
Date: 1831
"Self-respect to be nourished in the mind of the pupil, is one of the most valuable results of a well conducted education."
preview | full record— Godwin, William (1756-1836)
Date: September 10, 1836
"What tedious training, day after day, year after year, never ending, to form the common sense; what continual reproduction of annoyances, inconveniences, dilemmas; what rejoicing over us of little men; what disputing of prices, what reckonings of interest, — and all to form the Hand of the mind;...
preview | full record— Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)
Date: September 10, 1836
"When the eye of Reason opens, to outline and surface are at once added, grace and expression."
preview | full record— Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)