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Date: 1735

Reason may be "lull'd to Sleep by Idleness"

— Hildebrand, Jacob (1692/3-1739)

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Date: 1735

"In vain my weeping eyes thy features traced / (And features speak the passions of the mind)".

— Anonymous

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Date: 1736

"Awake, great Common Sense, and sleep no more, / Look to thy self; for then, when I was slain, / Thy self was struck at."

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

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Date: 1736

"Physicians cannot dose away [men's] Souls."

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

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Date: May 6, 1736

"These first Characters therefore ought to be deeply and beautifully struck, and the Learning they express should be of great Price. And this, if timely Care be taken, may be done with ease because the Mind is then soft and tender: and because Truth and Right are by the nature of Things, as pleas...

— Denne, John (1693-1767)

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Date: 1736

"Ah! Princess, answered he, with a Sigh, you judge too favourably of this degenerate Race; their very Souls are debilitated with their Bodies; all Ardor for Glory, all generous Emulation, all Love of Liberty, every noble Passion is extinguish'd with their Industry."

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: 1736

"But, as a Child, in Thought, chews o'er / The Sweetmeats, which he eat before; / So in his Mind Alexis keeps / The dear Impression of her Lips:"

— Duck, Stephen (1705-1756)

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Date: 1737

"Whatever fancy paints, invention pours, / Judgment digests, the well tuned bosom feels, / Truth natural, moral, or divine, has taught, / The virtues dictate, or the Muses sing."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1737 (also 1738, 1743, reprinted 1754)

"Curst with such souls of base alloy, / As can possess, but not enjoy, / Debarr'd the pleasure to impart / By av'rice, sphincter of the heart, / Who wealth, hard earn'd by guilty cares, / Bequeath untouch'd to thankless heirs."

— Green, Matthew (1696-1737)

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Date: 1737

"That man makes a mean figure in the eye of reason, who is measuring syllables and coupling rhimes, when he should be mending his own soul and securing his own immortality."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.