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Date: 1714, 1723

"The passing Minds their former Load sustain, / Are born, tho' loth, and sheath'd in Flesh again."

— Hughes, Jabez (1685-1731)

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Date: 1714 [1712, 1717]

"Her lively Looks a sprightly Mind disclose, / Quick as her Eyes, and as unfix'd as those."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1715-1720

"Longinus in his 22d Chapter commends this Figure, as causing a Reader to become a Spectator, and keeping his Mind fixed upon the Action before him."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1715-1720

"To cast one's Eye, means but to reflect upon, or to revolve in one's Mind"

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1715-1720

"Yet should the Fears that wary Mind suggests / Spread their cold Poison thro' our Soldier's Breasts, / My Javelin can revenge so base a Part, / And free the Soul that quivers in thy Heart."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1715-1720

"Ill-fated Paris ! Slave to Womankind, / As smooth of Face as fraudulent of Mind"

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1715-1720

"He sprinkles healing Balmes, to Anguish kind, / And adds Discourse, the Med'cine of the Mind."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1715-1720

Aristotle observes, "that when Homer is obliged to describe any thing of itself absurd or too improbable, he constantly contrives to blind and dazle the Judgment of his Readers with some shining Description."

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1715

"Tho' sure the Loss / Wou'd wound me to the Heart."

— Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718)

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Date: 1715

"Read there the fatal Purpose of thy Foe, / A Thought which Wounds my Soul with Shame and Horror."

— Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.