Date: 1735
"Hope may some boundless Future Bliss embrace, / But What, or When, or How, or Where, / Are Mazes all, which Fancy runs in vain"
preview | full record— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)
Date: 1735
"Nor can the narrow Cells of human Brain / The vast immeasurable Thought contain"
preview | full record— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)
Date: 1736
"In her own Breast she seeks a calm Repose, / And shuns the crowded Rooms of Belles and Beaux"
preview | full record— Duck, Stephen (1705-1756)
Date: 1737
"Yet when my trembling Soul's dislodg'd, wou'd be / No Room of State within the Grave for me."
preview | full record— Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth (1674-1737)
Date: 1739
"O come, and consecrate my Breast: / The Temple of my Soul prepare, / And six thy Sacred Presence there!"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1739
"Long my imprison'd spirit lay, / Fast bound in sin and nature's night: / Thine eye diffused a quickening ray; / I woke; the dungeon flamed with light; / My chains fell off, my heart was free, / I rose, went forth, and follow'd Thee."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1742
Judgement may assume "her Seat, the Mind"
preview | full record— Cooke, Thomas (1703-1756)
Date: 1742
"My soul is dead, my heart is stone, / A cage of birds and beasts unclean, / A den of thieves, a dire abode / Of dragons, but no house of God."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1743
"In that dread Moment, how the frantick Soul / Raves round the Walls of her Clay Tenement, / Runs to each Avenue, and shrieks for Help, / But shrieks in vain!"
preview | full record— Blair, Robert (1699-1746)
Date: 1743
A disembodied mind may "In Fleury's brainy Cells, [its] Entrance hide: / Heedful attend, where Thought's dim Embryos lie: / Fan the speck'd Fire--but bend its Flame awry.
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)