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Date: 1389

"The innere witte is departed a þre by þre regiouns of þe brayn, for in þe brayne beþ þre smale celles."

— Trevisa, John (b. c. 1342, d. in or before 1402); Bartholomeus (1203-1272)

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Date: 1390

"Minerve for the hed thei soghten, / For sche was wys, and of a man / The wit and reson which he can / Is in the celles of the brayn, / Wherof thei made hire soverain."

— Gower, John (c. 1330-1408)

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Date: Trans. 1425

"þe þe place & þe habitacioun of þe resonable soule, as G[alen] hym selfe seid."

— Guy de Chauliac (c.1300-1368)

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Date: Trans. c. 1425

"The gate also of mynde is schitt, þat it haþ no mynde of þe world ne of his owne sensible feelynge."

— St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)

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Date: w. c. 1425-1440

"Then wolle the chambir of my thought trewly / Of plesaunce take a light in eche parté / Such ioy wolle him aray so fresshe and hy / That waken must myn heuy hert slepé / Out of his fowle and sluggissh slogardé."

— Charles [d'Orléans], duke of Orléans (1394-1465)

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Date: 1445

"Eche of þese [v inward bodili wittis: commune witt, ymaginacioun, ffantasie, estimacioun, mind] han to hem her propre chaumbres in þe philosophris seyn."

— Pecock, Reginald (c.1395-1460)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.