Date: Written not before 512
"At last the door opened to my mind's knocking, and the truth which I found in my inquiry disclosed all the fogs of Eutychian error."
preview | full record— Boethius (480-524/5)
Date: 1077
"Enter into the chamber of your mind; exclude everything but God and what helps you search for him, and then search for him, with the door closed."
preview | full record— St. Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109)
Date: w. c. 1210
"As a prudent workman, construct the whole fabric within the mind's citadel; let it exist in the mind before it is on the lips."
preview | full record— Vinsauf, Geoffrey of [called Galfridus Anglicus] (fl. 1208-1213)
Date: 1257
"Therefore, sanctifying graces makes the soul the temple of God, the bride of Christ, and the daughter of the eternal Father."
preview | full record— St. Bonaventure [born Giovanni di Fidanza] (1217-1274)
Date: 1257
"By these means, He makes the sinful soul, formerly the enemy of God, the den of the devil, and the slave of sin, to become the bride of Christ, the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the daughter of the eternal Father: all of which is brought about by a free and gracious INFUSION OF THE GIFT OF GRACE."
preview | full record— St. Bonaventure [born Giovanni di Fidanza] (1217-1274)
Date: 1273
"But the soul does not operate; for, as the Philosopher says (De Anima i, 4), 'to say that the soul feels or understands is like saying that the soul weaves or builds.'"
preview | full record— St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Date: 1273
"But for the retention and preservation of these forms, the 'phantasy' or 'imagination' is appointed; which are the same, for phantasy or imagination is as it were a storehouse of forms received through the senses."
preview | full record— St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Date: 1273
"Furthermore, for the apprehension of intentions which are not received through the senses, the 'estimative' power is appointed: and for the preservation thereof, the 'memorative' power, which is a storehouse of such-like intentions."
preview | full record— St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Date: 1273
"On the contrary, From its nature the memory is the treasury or storehouse of species."
preview | full record— St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Date: 1384
"O Thought, that wroot al that I mette, / And in the tresorie hit shette / Of my brayn!"
preview | full record— Chaucer, Geoffrey (c. 1340-1400)