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Date: 1773

A wasp flies up a lion's nose and "To the extremest verge ascends, / There all his waspish venom spends, / And near the brain's monastic cell / He pours his macerating spell"

— Robertson, James (fl.1768-1788)

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Date: 1773

"Legion of Sin! in Smiles delusive drest, / Whose loathsome Cell's the grand Deceiver's breast"

— Robertson, James (fl.1768-1788)

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Date: 1774

"Here lies honest William, whose heart was a mint, / While the owner ne'er knew half the good that was in't."

— Goldsmith, Oliver (1728?-1774)

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Date: 1767, 1778

"To human frames these structures seem akin, / With aspect fair, while reason rules within."

— Jones, Henry (1721-1770)

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Date: 1767, 1778

"Here science, like the sun, see radiant rise, / With intellectual beam, through mental skies, / To gild, to gladden all th' improving space, / With taste, with candor, learning, sense, and grace; / To light up all the mind's remotest cells, / Where fancy fledges, and where genius dwells."

— Jones, Henry (1721-1770)

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Date: w. c. 1779

"[T]hen prudence took her Seat / Within the Soul, and reign'd in Virtue's room."

— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)

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Date: 1781

"Thus our young lord, with fashion's phrase refin'd, / Fineer'd the mean interior of his mind"

— Hayley, William (1745-1820)

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Date: 1781, 1791

"Hence rash Belief! may thy wild thoughts again / Ne'er thro the cells of busy fancy rove!"

— Downman, Hugh (1740-1809)

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Date: 1781, 1791

"If haply human passions swell, / And shake awhile their peaceful cell, / They strive with idle force"

— Downman, Hugh (1740-1809)

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Date: 1782

"With Asiatic vices stored thy mind, / But left their virtues and thine own behind, / And, having truck'd thy soul, brought home the fee, / To tempt the poor to sell himself to thee?"

— Cowper, William (1731-1800)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.