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Date: 1712, 1715, 1719

"I was in this Labyrinth of Thoughts when one brought me a Letter from Exiilus"

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1719

"During the long Time that Friday has now been with me, and that he began to speak to me, and understand me, I was not wanting to lay a Foundation of religious Knowledge in his Mind."

— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)

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Date: 1721

"Her Mind well suited the fair Cabinet that contained it; she was humble, generous, unaffected, yet learned, wise, modest, and prudent above her Years or Sex; gay in Conversation, but by Nature thoughtful; had all the Softness of a Woman, with the Constancy and Courage of a Hero: In fine, her Sou...

— Aubin, Penelope (1679?-1731?)

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Date: 1723

In one's Garret-Closet one's Muse may "take Possession": "Poetry being one of those subtle Devils, that if driven out by never so many firm Purposes, good Resolutions, Aversion to that Poverty it intails upon its Adherents; yet it will always return and find a Passage to the Heart, Brain, ...

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1723

"Mine [heart] open lies, without the least Defence; / No Guard of Art; but its own Innocence; / Under which Fort it could fierce Storms endure: / But from thy Wit I find no Fort secure."

— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)

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Date: 1723, 1725

"Reflection was unhing'd; the noble Seat of Memory fill'd with Chimera's and disjointed Notions; wild and confus'd Ideas whirl'd in his distracted Brain; and all the Man, except the Form, was changed."

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: 1724

"Her Heart was like a great Inn, which finds room for all that come."

— Davys, Mary (1674-1732)

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Date: 1724, 1725

"But alas! what Courage, what Discretion, what cool Reserve, what Sanctity of Wishes can defend the Heart, when once the God of Love has found an Entrance there!"

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: 1724, 1725

"The soft and tender Soul of Emanuella, was a fit Temple for the enslaving Deity to work his utmost Wonders in"

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: 1725

"Forgive the harsh Expression, for believe, of all Mankind, I cou'd esteem you as a Friend--but, alas! my Heart wants room to entertain you as a tender Guest; long e're I knew your Merits it was taken up, all the Affections of my Soul are riveted to another--to him I am bound by all the ties of H...

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.