Date: 1901-2, 1902
"A mental system may be undermined or weakened by this interstitial alteration just as a building is, and yet for a time keep upright by dead habit. But a new perception a sudden emotional shock or an occasion which lays bare the organic alteration, will make the whole fabric fall together; and t...
preview | full record— James, William (1842-1910)
Date: 1909
"Thanks to his wonderful memory, everything he read was stored up for use or ornament, till his mind resembled a huge curiosity shop."
preview | full record— Long, William Joseph (1867-1952)
Date: 1911
"The psychical is divided (to speak metaphorically and not metaphysically) into monads that have no windows and are in communication only through empathy."
preview | full record— Husserl, Edmund (1859-1938)
Date: 1911
"As for Mr. Woodhouse, whose most famous sentences hang like texts in frames on the four walls of our memories, he is, next to Don Quixote, perhaps the most perfect gentleman in fiction; and under outrageous provocation he remains so."
preview | full record— Bradley, A.C. (1851-1935)