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Date: 1765

"In Christ, his work and word / I trust, why should ye say, / That like a tim'rous bird / My soul must wing her way, / And flee from those, whose deadly skill / At worst can but the body kill?"

— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)

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Date: 1765

"In Christ, his work and word / I trust, why should ye say, / That like a tim'rous bird / My soul must wing her way, / And flee from those, whose deadly skill / At worst can but the body kill?"

— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)

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Date: 1765

"Or, greatly daring in his Country's cause, / Whose heaven-taught soul the aweful plan design'd, / Whence Power stood trembling at the voice of Laws, / Whence soar'd on Freedom's wing th'ethereal mind."

— Beattie, James (1735-1803)

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Date: 1765

"As when the greedy fowler's snare / The birds by providence elude, / Our souls are rescu'd from despair, / And their free flight renew'd."

— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)

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Date: 1765, 1770

"When health and vigour swell'd my youthful veins, / Lust drew my carriage, Folly held the reins."

— Thompson, Edward (1738-1786)

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Date: 1765

"Where is the heart, to grateful feelings sear'd, / The breast, against each soft sensation steel'd, / Hard as the tyger's, in wild deserts rear'd"

— Stevenson, William (1730-1783)

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Date: 1766

"We are not to judge of the feelings of others by what we might feel if in their place. Howsoever dark the habitation of the mole to our eyes, yet the animal itself finds the apartment sufficiently lightsome. And to confess a truth, this man's mind seems fitted to his station; for when he convers...

— Goldsmith, Oliver (1728?-1774)

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Date: 1766

"As a bird that had been frighted from its nest, my affections out-went my haste, and hovered around my little fire-side, with all the rapture of expectation."

— Goldsmith, Oliver (1728?-1774)

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Date: 1766

"[A] little cunning is sufficient to enable us to take advantage of the discovery; for cunning attains its little ends more surely than wisdom; like the despicable mole which works its way through the greatest mountains, while the noble lion cannot penetrate one foot deep into the earth"

— Scott [née Robinson], Sarah (1720-1795)

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Date: 1766

Gallantry "suffers, sometimes, another passion to get before it; reason and interest, often, hold the bridle, and, make it give way to our situation, and, affairs."

— Trusler, John (1735-1820)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.