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Date: w. 1766, 1796

"Little minds / Do judge of great things, like the purblind gnat, / That deems a fly, a monster"

— Bishop, Samuel (1731-1795)

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Date: February 2, 1796

"Her head's like the island, folks tell on, / Which nothing but monkies can dwell on"

— Hoare, Prince (1755-1834)

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Date: 1796

"Discordant tho' the ideas be, / In Fancy's logic they agree; / As in the Ark by special grace, / Mice liv'd with Cats, yet throve apace."

— Courtenay, John Lees (1775?-1794)

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Date: 1796

"The trial is dangerous; he is just at that period of life when the passions are most vigorous, unbridled, and despotic."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"No longer sustained by the violence of his passions, he feels all the monotony of his way of living, and his heart becomes the prey of ennui and weariness."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"You know not the power of those irresistible, those fatal sentiments to which her heart was a prey."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"I should love you, I should doat on you! my bosom would become the prey of desires, which honour and my profession forbid me to gratify."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"The woman reigns in my bosom, and I am become a prey to the wildest of passions."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"Theodore perceived well enough that something preyed upon my mind; but as I concealed the cause of my grief even from him, respect would not permit him to pry into my secrets."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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Date: 1796

"Amidst the horror and disgust to which his soul was a prey, pity for his victim still held a place in it."

— Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.