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Date: 1707, 1709

Mr Clark "Conquer'd those Vipers in his Conscience bred, / And with himself, shot all the stinging Fantoms dead"

— Ward, Edward (1667-1731)

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Date: 1708

"As if his hollow Skull had been / A Hive fill'd full of Bees within" who "To Wax and Honey turn'd his Brains; / For the long Speech he did transmit, / Was sometimes hard, and sometimes sweet"

— Ward, Edward (1667-1731)

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Date: November 25, 1707; 1708

"Now, now it shoots, / It tow'rs upon the Wing to Crowns and Empire; / While Love and Aribert, those meaner Names, / Are left far, far behind, and lost for ever. / So if by chance the Eagle's noble Off-spring, / Ta'en in the Nest, becomes some Peasant's Prize, / Compell'd a while he bears his Cag...

— Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718)

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Date: November 25, 1707; 1708

"In vain they lavish all their cruel Arts, / And bind this feeble Body here in vain; / The free, impassive Soul mounts on the Wing, / Beyond the reach of Racks, and tort'ring Flames, / And scorns their Tyranny."

— Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718)

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Date: November 25, 1707; 1708

"Call back your Thoughts from each deluding Passion, / And wing your parting Soul for her last Flight."

— Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718)

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Date: 1708

"Passions are too hurrying to last; Vapours that start from a Mercurial Brain, whose wild Chimera's flush the lighter Faculties, which tir'd i'th' vain pursuit of fancy'd Pleasures."

— Baker, Thomas (b. 1680-1)

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Date: 1709

"Complex Ideas are the Creatures of the Mind"

— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)

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Date: 1682, 1683, 1709

"His Love's the very Bird-lime of his Brain, / And pulls some Part away with every Strain."

— Gould, Robert (b. 1660?, d. in or before 1709)

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Date: 1709

Guilt may "to the Soul it's frightful Message speak" while "Terror, Despair, and all the grizly Crew: / Those direful Vultures on [the] Soul shall gnaw"

— Gould, Robert (b. 1660?, d. in or before 1709)

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Date: 1710

"The Two Principal Qualifications of a Phanatick Preacher are, his Inward Light, and his Head full of Maggots."

— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.