Date: 1766, 1806
"From hands unscepter'd take the scornful blow? / Uproot the thoughts of glory as they grow?"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1770, 1806
"Nor pride nor fickleness could claim / The empire of his mind."
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1771
"The infant mind at coming to the world, is a meer rasa tabula, destitute of all ideas and materials of reflection."
preview | full record— Usher, James (1720-1771)
Date: 1771
"It is a charte blanche, ready for receiving the inscriptions of sense; yet it behoves us carefully to observe, that it differs from a rasa tabula or a sheet of clean paper, in the following respect, that you may write on clean paper; that sugar is bitter, wormwood sweet, fire and f...
preview | full record— Usher, James (1720-1771)
Date: 1771, 1806
" 'Tho' from my mind each flatt'ring thought retir'd, / 'And in my bosom Hope and Peace expir'd;"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1771, 1806
"'My constant heart a lamp perpetual burns."
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1773
"Not all their cruelty (the fair rejoin'd) / Shall ever boast a conquest o'er my mind"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1773
"A thought, enbosom'd in this heart's recess / Shou'd, rising into act--Ah spare the rest!"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1773
"'Prepare (he said) the tragic scene to close, / 'And shun the fate that iron-hearts impose"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1773, 1806
"Truth's unclouded ray" may strike the soul and melt Suspicion away
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)