Date: 1698
"Our own Thoughts, and those of others, do, in all our Conversations, use to come to us, clad in Words: Whence it happens, that 'tis very hard, liquidly and clearly to strip the Sense from those Words; and to consider It, and nothing but It."
preview | full record— Sergeant, John (1622-1707)
Date: w. c. 1709, 1711
"Expression is the dress of thought, and still / Appears more decent, as more suitable."
preview | full record— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Date: 1717
"The nymph her graces here express'd may find, / And by this picture learn to dress her mind."
preview | full record— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Date: 1713, 1719
"For in our Youth we commonly dress our Thoughts in the Mirrour of Self-Flattery, and expect that Heaven, Fortune, and the World, should cajole our Follies, as we do our own, and lay all Faults on others, and all Praise on our selves."
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1737
"So many things freely thrown out, such lengths of unreserv'd friendship, thoughts just warm from the brain, without any polishing or dress, the very dishabille of the understanding."
preview | full record— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Date: w. 1737, published 1738
"But when no Prelate's Lawn with Hair-shirt lin'd, / Is half so incoherent as my Mind, / When (each Opinion with the next at strife, / One ebb and flow of follies all my Life) / I plant, root up, I build, and then confound, / Turn round to square, and square again to round."
preview | full record— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Date: 1944; 2018
"It is pleasanter to be five years older and beautiful than status quo and under par, but I must force my loose mind into its overalls and get going."
preview | full record— O'Connor, Flannery (1925-1964)