Date: 1665
"And indeed, the Thoughts of many a Person, are oftentimes so active, and restless, that something or other they must, and will perpetually be doing; and like unruly Souldiers, if you have not a care to employ them well, they will employ themselves ill."
preview | full record— Boyle, Robert (1627-1691)
Date: 1699
"A Mind dwelling in a Body, is in many respects superior to it; yet in some respects is under it."
preview | full record— Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715)
Date: 1700, 1712
"And as Inferiour Persons, when they are advanced to Power, are strangely Insolent and Tyrannical towards those that are subject to them; so the Lusts and Passions of men, when they once get the Command of them, are the most domineering Tyrants in the World; and there is no such Slave as a Man th...
preview | full record— Tillotson, John (1630-1694)
Date: 1703
"This man is a slave to many Masters, who are very imperious and exacting; and the more he yieldeth to them, with the greater tyranny and rigour they will use him. One passion hurries a man one way, and another drives him fiercely another; one lust commands him upon such a service, and another ca...
preview | full record— Tillotson, John (1630-1694)
Date: 1785
"[W]hen the mind is absent, and the thoughts are wandering to something else than what is passing in the place in which we are, we are often miserable"
preview | full record— Paley, William (1743-1805)