Date: May 13, 1789
"[T]he Slave Trade has enslaved their [Africans'] minds, blackened their character and sunk them so low in the scale of animal beings, that some think the very apes are of a higher class, and fancy the Ourang Outang has given them the go-by."
preview | full record— Wilberforce, William (1759-1833)
Date: 1792
"Yes, she has a thousand charms, and my heart is already in her chains."
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1792
"Thou wife of Orloff! thou hast my soul in chains--drag it not to perdition!"
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1792
"My ardent passions I could hold in chains, and suppress that love which honor could not sanction."
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1795
"O ye slaves whom Massa beat, / Ye are stained with guilt within / As ye hope for mercy sweet / So forgive your Massas' Sin."
preview | full record— More, Hannah (1745-1833)
Date: 1795
In "the serious and reflective mind, love raises a despotic throne, and, like the burning sun of Africa, he pours his chiefest ardors upon slaves"
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1797
"Vice with them is rather an accidental and temporary, than a constitutional and habitual distemper; a noxious plant, which, though found to live and even to thrive in the human mind, is not the natural growth and production of the soil."
preview | full record— Wilberforce, William (1759-1833)
Date: 1797
"We learn from the Scriptures that it is one main part of the operations of the Holy Spirit, to implant those heavenly principles in the human mind, and to cherish their growth."
preview | full record— Wilberforce, William (1759-1833)
Date: 1797
"But it is sometimes not difficult to any one who is accustomed, if the phrase may be allowed, to the anatomy of the human mind, to discern, that generally speaking, the persons who use the above language, rely not so much on the merits of Christ, and on the agency of Divine Grace, as on their ow...
preview | full record— Wilberforce, William (1759-1833)
Date: 1797
"But 'the mind diseased' is neglected and forgotten."
preview | full record— Wilberforce, William (1759-1833)