Date: Monday, April 16, 1711
"Whatever Crosses and Disappointments a good Man suffers in the Body of the Tragedy, they will make but small Impression on our Minds, when we know that in the last Act he is to arrive at the End of his Wishes and Desires."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: Thursday, September 6, 1711
"In Afflictions Men generally draw their Consolations out of Books of Morality, which indeed are of great use to fortifie and strengthen the Mind against the Impressions of Sorrow."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: August 23, 1712
"When a Man thinks of any thing in the Darkness of the Night, whatever deep Impressions it may make in his Mind, they are apt to vanish as soon as the Day breaks about him."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: August 23, 1712
"The Light and Noise of the Day, which are perpetually soliciting his Senses, and calling off his Attention, wear out of his Mind the Thoughts that imprinted themselves in it, with so much Strength, during the Silence and Darkness of the Night."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: Tuesday, January 22, 1712
"We were informed that the Lady of this Heart, when living, received the Addresses of several who made Love to her, and did not only give each of them Encouragement, but made every one she conversed with believe that she regarded him with an Eye of Kindness; for which Reason we expected to have s...
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: Tuesday, February 12, 1712
"In the same manner a Representation of those Calamities and Misfortunes which a weak Man suffers from wrong Measures, and ill-concerted Schemes of Life, is apt to make a deeper Impression upon our Minds, than the wisest Maxims and Instructions that can be given us, for avoiding the like Follies ...
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: Saturday, April 5, 1712
"The Impression which the Interdiction of the Tree of Life left in the Mind of our first Parent, is describ'd with great Strength and Judgment; as the Image of the several Beasts and Birds passing in review before him is very beautiful and lively."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: Saturday, May 31, 1712
"The Creation is a perpetual Feast to the Mind of a good Man, every thing he sees chears and delights him; Providence has imprinted so many Smiles on Nature, that it is impossible for a Mind, which is not sunk in more gross and sensual Delights, to take a Survey of them without several secret Sen...
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: Thursday, June 5, 1712
"It is for this Reason that the short Speeches, or Sentences which we often meet with in Histories, make a deeper Impression on the Mind of the Reader, than the most laboured Strokes in a well-written Tragedy."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: Saturday, June 14, 1712
"[Music] lengthens out every Act of Worship, and produces more lasting and permanent Impressions in the Mind, than those which accompany any transient Form of Words that are uttered in the ordinary Method of Religious Worship."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)