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Date: 1757

"But when it is such a truth, as I do not only hear, but feel; and it comes home to my own very sense and experience: shall any sophistical reasonings wrangle me out of it; what though I cannot resolve the question, [GREEK CHARACTERS] whence the evil was derived: whether from the soul formed in t...

— Jenks, Benjamin (bap. 1648, d. 1724)

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Date: 1757

"And whatever any talk of (the rasa tabula,) an indifferency by nature, to virtue or vice: never could I find any such thing; but all men inclined the wrong way: and abundance of work, by discipline, and the grace of God, to make any one better than the rest."

— Jenks, Benjamin (bap. 1648, d. 1724)

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Date: 1757

"Now this great Ambition, which in other Times or Nations hath wrought such wonderful Effects, is no longer to be found among us. It is the Pride of Equipage, the Pride of Title, the Pride of Fortune, or the Pride of Dress, that have assumed the Empire over our Souls, and levelled Ambition with t...

— Brown, John (1715-1766)

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Date: 1757

"I only told him civilly, Past three o'clock and a cloudy morning!-- [...] --when, heyday! says he, (there he stands, let 'en deny it if he can) and coming up to me--what have we here?-- a human Clock!--a very odd kind of Repeater upon my soul!--one of the hours 'egad strolling about, in a...

— Bacon, Phanuel (1700-1783)

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Date: w. 1757, 1758

"Oh how this earth's best blessings sink in worth, / When on that scene is open'd the mind's eyes!"

— Dodd, William (1729-1777)

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Date: w. 1757, 1758

"What Briton wears a heart, steel'd to the touch / Of gentle Pity? "

— Dodd, William (1729-1777)

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Date: 1758

"Deep in their soules ye fair impression lay, / Deep-tracd & never to be worn away."

— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)

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Date: 1758

"If at the type our dreaming soules awake, / & Hannahs strains their Just impression make"

— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)

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Date: 1758

"In heav'nly glories dress thy soul within."

— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)

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Date: 1758

"My mourning heart is melted in my frame / As wax dissolving runs before a flame"

— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.