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Date: 1702-1713, 1989

"The tyrant passions tread fair meritt down / & their proud thrones erect above the crown"

— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)

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Date: w. 1702-1713

"Loos'd from ye chains of flesh his freer mind / Rose up to sacred love, / To perfect saint or seraphim refin'd, / Quitting his lump of clay, / As subtle spirits fume away / Loos'd from their earth they upward mount, they flye, / They light, they shine, & blaze along the skye."

— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)

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Date: 1714

"[F]oul Reproches ignominious Stain, / Sate deep engraven in his fearfull Heart,"

— Croxall, Samuel (1688/9-1752); Nestor Ironside

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Date: 1714

"What iron Breast so hard that can endure / To work such Spight on Vertuous Innocence?"

— Croxall, Samuel (1688/9-1752); Nestor Ironside

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Date: 1713-1714

"Who wrote all this--Who more than this designd / All fine impressions of Celestial mind."

— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)

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Date: 1714

In the afterlife, "each Soul must drink long Draughts / Of those forgetful Streams."

— Evans, Abel (1679-1737)

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Date: 1714

The Soul returns "Naked from off this Beach and perfect Blank, / To visit the New World"

— Evans, Abel (1679-1737)

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Date: 1714

"For if vast Thoughts shou'd play about a Mind / Inclos'd in Flesh, and dregging cumbrous Life, / Fluttering and beating in the mournful Cage, / It soon wou'd break its Grates and wing away."

— Evans, Abel (1679-1737)

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Date: 1714

The Soul returns "Naked from off this Beach and perfect Blank, / To visit the New World."

— Evans, Abel (1679-1737)

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Date: 1714

"Storms of neighbouring Atoms tear the Soul"

— Evans, Abel (1679-1737)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.