Date: 1703
"The true, substantial Wealth is lodg'd within; / 'Tis there the brightest Gems are found: / Such as wou'd great and glorious Treasures win, Treasures which theirs for ever will remain, / Must Piety and Wisdom strive to gain."
preview | full record— Chudleigh [née Lee], Mary, Lady Chudleigh (bap. 1656, d. 1710)
Date: 1718
"Set forth your Edict, let it be enjoyn'd, / That all defective Species be recoyn'd: / R---r and E---r---t are Judges fit / To oversee the Stamping of our Wit."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1723, 1740
"Those slighted Favours which cold Nymphs dispense, / Mere common Counters of the Sense, / Defective both in Mettle and in Measure, / A Lover's Fancy coins into a Treasure."
preview | full record— Sheffield, John, first duke of Buckingham and Normanby (1647-1721)
Date: May 6, 1736
"These first Characters therefore ought to be deeply and beautifully struck, and the Learning they express should be of great Price. And this, if timely Care be taken, may be done with ease because the Mind is then soft and tender: and because Truth and Right are by the nature of Things, as pleas...
preview | full record— Denne, John (1693-1767)
Date: Tuesday, August 7, 1750
"It ought, therefore, to be the care of those who wish to pass the last hours with comfort, to lay up such a treasure of pleasing ideas, as shall support the expenses of that time, which is to depend wholly upon the fund already acquired."
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: January 28, 1753
"I have heard that his understanding was rather hurt by the absolute retirement in which he lived, and indeed he had an imagination too lively to be trusted to itself; the treasures of it were inexhaustible, but for want of commerce with mankind he made that rich oar into bright but useless medal...
preview | full record— Montagu [née Robinson], Elizabeth (1718-1800)
Date: 1760-7
"Honours, like impressions upon coin, may give an ideal and local value to a bit of base metal; but Gold and Silver will pass all the world over without any other recommendation than their own weight."
preview | full record— Sterne, Laurence (1713-1768)
Date: January 12, 1760
"To fix deeply in the mind the principles of science, to settle their limitations, and deduce the long succession of their consequences; to comprehend the whole compass of complicated systems, with all the arguments, objections, and solutions, and to reposite in the intellectual treasury the numb...
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: 1777, 1793
"A prisoner in--Impossible!--I sleep: / 'Tis fancy's coinage; 'tis a dream's delusion."
preview | full record— Dodd, William (1729-1777)
Date: 1777, 1793
"Twas but a coinage vain / Of the distemper'd fancy! Gone, 'tis gone,"
preview | full record— Dodd, William (1729-1777)