Date: 1764
"The moon, who holds o'er night her silver reign" is "Regent of tides, and mistress of the brain"
preview | full record— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)
Date: 1764?
"Whether we will or no, Through reason's court doth [the word lord] unquestion'd go"
preview | full record— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)
Date: 1764?
"Judge Reason view'd him with an eye of grace, / Look'd through his soul, and quite forgot his face"
preview | full record— Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)
Date: 1765
"Thro' rooted vice my spirits fail, / Which o'er my heart an empire wins, / O let thy mercy countervail / To cover all our sins."
preview | full record— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)
Date: 1765
"Be ye not like to horse or mule, / That are not bless'd with reason's rule."
preview | full record— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)
Date: 1766
"Each of these words, implies, resistance; but, that of 'conquer', refers to victory over enemies; and is, generally, used in the literal sense: that of 'subdue', is more applicable to our passions; being, oftener, used in a figurative; and means, a bringing under subjection: that of 'overcome', ...
preview | full record— Trusler, John (1735-1820)
Date: 1766
Love "leaves us not the liberty of choice; it commands in the beginning, as a master, and, reigns, afterwards, as a tyrant, till we are accustomed to its chains, by length of time; or, till they are broken by the efforts of powerful reason, or, the caprice of continued vexation."
preview | full record— Trusler, John (1735-1820)
Date: 1766
"In 'love', it is the heart, which, principally, tastes the pleasure; the mind, making itself a slave, without any regard; and, the satisfaction of the senses, contributing less to the sweet enjoyment, than a certain contentedness of soul, which produces the charming idea, of being in the posses...
preview | full record— Trusler, John (1735-1820)
Date: 1766, 1808
"Nature, my friend, profuse in vain, / May every gift impart; / If unimprov'd, they ne'er can gain / An empire o'er the heart."
preview | full record— Anstey, Christopher (1724-1805)
Date: 1767, 1784
"But if foul Passion, or distemper'd Pride, / Impede its search, or Phrenzy seize the brain, / Then Ignorance a gloomy darkness spreads, / Or Superstition, with mishapen forms, / Erects its savage empire in the mind."
preview | full record— Jago, Richard (1715-1781)