Date: 1700
"View your own Charms, Madam, then judge my Passion."
preview | full record— Farquhar, George (1676/7-1707)
Date: 1701
One may "as on the Throne, so in [her] Peoples Hearts / Reign Emperour"
preview | full record— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)
Date: 1701
"Here, take me Mother, Father, Wife, take each a part in my Capacious Heart; Reign ever there, as absolute as I o're all my mighty Empires"
preview | full record— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)
Date: 1702
"O Woman, Woman, of Artifice created! whose Nature, even distracted, has a Cunning: In vain let Man his Sense, his Learning boast, when Womans Madness over-rules his Reason."
preview | full record— Farquhar, George (1676/7-1707)
Date: 1706
Reason may still keep "its Throne, but it nods a little"
preview | full record— Farquhar, George (1676/7-1707)