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Date: 1792

"Now that stern habit throws without controul / Her chain of adamant around thy soul / May not th' unhappy Abelard disclose / (To her who pities most) his train of woes?"

— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)

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Date: w. 1791-2

"But, sent from God, his presence leaves, / To gather home his ripen'd sheaves, / To call encumber'd souls away / From fleshly bonds to boundless day, / (As when the winged hours excite, / And summon forth the morning-light) / And each to convoy to her place / Before the Eternal Father's face."

— Cowper, William (1731-1800)

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Date: 1794, 1800

"Be hot with wrath, great iron-hearted Mack"

— Williams, John [pseud. Anthony Pasquin] (1754-1818)

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Date: 1794

"Emporium, a market-town; but metaphorically applied to the brain, which is the seat of all rational and sensitive transaction."

— Quincy, John (d. 1722)

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Date: April 17, 1795

"Like Britain's Monarch" an audience may "act [their] generous parts, /And fix [their] empire, in [actors] greatful hearts.

— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)

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Date: April 17, 1795

"At Hymen's altar claim the chain / That twines two willing hearts in one!"

— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)

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Date: 1797

A boy with the the divine gift of beauty may conquer "each heart he lists" nor needs Cupid's "shafts to aid his victories"

— Mason, William (1725-1797)

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Date: 1797

" For, Cupid, well thou know'st, the tender soul, / That Poesy inspires, is very wax / To Beauty's piercing ray"

— Mason, William (1725-1797)

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Date: 1797

"[M]ark it well, / And stamp the awful moral on your souls"

— Mason, William (1725-1797)

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Date: w. 1787, 1797

"They only who are curst with breasts of steel / Can mock the foibles of surviving love"

— Mason, William (1725-1797)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.