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Date: 1759, performed 1776

The soul may be "Snatch'd by the power of music from her cell / Of fleshly thraldom" and feel "herself upborn / On plumes of ecstasy"

— Mason, William (1725-1797)

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Date: w. 1764

"Take the bloody seal I give thee, / Deep impressed upon thy soul."

— Cowper, William (1731-1800)

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Date: 1765, 1770

"Till mighty conscience, whose prevailing call / Opes the dread volume of her laws to all."

— Wodhull, Michael (1740-1816)

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Date: 1765, 1770

"When of old / Arcadia's peaceful shepherds uncontroul'd / Their ranging flocks thro' boundless pastures drove, / Or tun'd their pipes beneath the myrtle grove, / Their laws on brazen tablets unimprest / Were deeply grav'd on each ingenuous breast, / No proud Vicegerent of Astrea reign'd, / Astre...

— Wodhull, Michael (1740-1816)

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Date: 1765, 1770

"On Life's rough sea by stormy passions tost, / Freedom and Virtue were together lost."

— Wodhull, Michael (1740-1816)

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Date: 1765, 1770

"These baseless structures, fictions light and vain, / Coin'd in the foldings of an idle brain, / To their absurd inventors I resign, / They are not in the Church's creed, or mine."

— Wodhull, Michael (1740-1816)

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Date: 1770, 1806

"Nor pride nor fickleness could claim / The empire of his mind."

— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)

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Date: 1771, 1806

" 'Tho' from my mind each flatt'ring thought retir'd, / 'And in my bosom Hope and Peace expir'd;"

— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)

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Date: 1771, 1806

"'My constant heart a lamp perpetual burns."

— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)

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Date: 1772-1781

What availed the songs of a "mighty mind, / With inward light irradiate, mirror-like / Receiv'd, and to mankind with ray reflex / The sov'reign Planter's primal work display'd?"

— Mason, William (1725-1797)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.