Date: 1711
"From this Account it is plain, that the Desire of Being in Print, is an Idea, if not Unnate, yet one of the first that gets into our Minds: whence all Men express a Natural Propensity and Inclination, to be Authors"
preview | full record— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)
Date: 1711
"In the First place, he undertakes to say, That the Doctor went a Rasa Tabula to the University; And then adds, he believed that all Human and Divine Knowledge as to be had there."
preview | full record— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)
Date: 1711
"Now Human Knowledge and Divine Knowledge, are very General and Comprehensive Ideas: and where these are lodged in the Mind of a Child, it is impossible that Child should be a Rasa Tabula; Indeed a Rasa Tabula of about Fourteen or Fifteen Years old, ought by all...
preview | full record— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)
Date: 1711
"[T]ill I am satisfied that he never pulled Geese, Thumb'd a Primmer, Tore a Bible, disputed with his Dad about the Rights of Nature, or Tipp'd all Nine out of a Republican Principle, without any regard to the Middle Pinn, I must believe in Charity...
preview | full record— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)
Date: 1711
"What this Author says, does by no means take off from the Calumny: that he as a Rasa Tabula, educated in the Country: for tho' it be highly Reasonable that every Rasa Tabula should be well Educated, yet even a Country Education is not to be despised; I have known a Square — Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)
full record
Date: 1711-2
A beloved may make her lover's heart a "Sov'reign Throne" and "reign unrivall'd there"
preview | full record— Ward, Edward (1667-1731)
Date: 1712, 1736
One may be a Lord but in Title, a vassal in Effect, "Whom Lust controuls, and wild Desires direct"
preview | full record— Granville, George, Baron Lansdowne (1666-1735)
Date: 1712, 1736
There are sovereign Lords "Whom Lust controuls, and wild Desires direct; / The Reigns of Empire but such Hands disgrace, / Where Passion, a blind Driver, guides the Race."
preview | full record— Granville, George, Baron Lansdowne (1666-1735)
Date: 1712, 1719
"God of the Grape, I'll wisely use / Thy heav'nly Gifts, nor will disclose / Thy sacred Rites; do thou asswage / My burning Soul, and curb thy Rage: / Lest to new hateful Crimes I run: / Lest Vanity seize Reason's Throne, / And wretched I to open Day / The Secrets of the Night betray, / And my He...
preview | full record— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)
Date: 1712, 1719
"Whilst with the same resistless Art / She storms his Windows, and his Heart"
preview | full record— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)