Date: 1678
"Dares afraid his reasons house / (Though he had scarce so much as goose) / About his batter'd ears should tumble"
preview | full record— Philips, John (1676-1709)
Date: 1678
"He lik't not banging sans defeizance. / While t'other labors all he can / To make a window to his brain."
preview | full record— Philips, John (1676-1709)
Date: Tuesday, May 15, 1750
"The soul cannot long be held in prison, but will fly away, and leave a lifeless body to human malice."
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: Saturday, November 3, 1750
"When we have heated our zeal in a cause, and elated our confidence with success, we are naturally inclined to persue the same train of reasoning, to establish some collateral truth, to remove some adjacent difficulty, and to take in the whole comprehension of our system. As a prince in the ardou...
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: August 27, 1751
"The painted vales of imagination are deserted, and our intellectual activity is exercised in winding through the labyrinths of fallacy, and toiling with firm and cautious steps up the narrow tracks of demonstration."
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: 1759
"He shewed, with great strength of sentiment, and variety of illustration, that human nature is degraded and debased, when the lower faculties predominate over the higher; that when fancy, the parent of passion, usurps the dominion of the mind, nothing ensues but the natural effect of unlawful go...
preview | full record— Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Date: 1785
"This is the case of many a beau / Who gives up all for glare and show. / Outside and front all fine and burnish'd, / But the inner rooms are thinly furnish'd."
preview | full record— Frere, John Hookham (1769-1846)
Date: 1872
"No! the celestial Author and Creator / In those two volumes of the Book of Nature / Ordained for our instruction, represents, / By multiform but single elements, / One universe of sense, all that we know, / The visible world of instantaneous show / And tangible creation, hard and slow,The last r...
preview | full record— Frere, John Hookham (1769-1846)