Date: 1756, 1793
"Domestic troubles long my mind oppress'd, / And made the muse a stranger to my breast"
preview | full record— Blacklock, Thomas (1721-1791)
Date: 1760
"A man this emptied and vacuated of self-conceit, these lines of natural pride, being blotted out, the soul is as a Tabula rasa, an unwritten table, to receive any impression of the law of God, that he pleases to put on it; and then his words are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to ...
preview | full record— Binning, Hugh (1627-1653)
Date: 1767
"He is now reduced to the greatest want and beggary, he is become a meer tabula rasa, a sheet of blank paper, a page of perfect inanity."
preview | full record— Campbell, Archibald (bap. 1724, d. 1780)
Date: 1767
His existence is now at last in no danger of comminution, but then his powers are absolutely gone and quite evaporated. In a word, he is as dry and empty as a beer barrel after it has been some time set a-broach to a drunken mob at a general election."
preview | full record— Campbell, Archibald (bap. 1724, d. 1780)
Date: 1768
"The deep Philsopher who turns mankind / Quite inside outwards, and dissects the mind, / Wou'd look but whimsical and strangely out, / To grudge some Quack his treatise on the gout."
preview | full record— Wilkie, William (1721-1772)