Date: 1697
"What ever brought him here, or took him hence / It was no mean, or common influence, / Of Heavens best mettal, that inform'd his soul, / And made all vertue, but a blubr'd scrol / Of his great mind."
preview | full record— Cleland, William (1661?-1689)
Date: 1715, 1762
"In Good Mens Minds and Hearts alone doth he, / Delight to Dwell, and there Engraven be."
preview | full record— Pennecuik, Alexander (d. 1730)
Date: 1729
"Oh, let not the soft, penetrating plague / Creep on the freeborn mind! and working there, / With the sharp tooth of many a new-form'd want, / Endless, and idle all, eat out the heart / Of liberty; the high conception blast; / The noble sentiment, the impatient scorn / Of base subjection, and the...
preview | full record— Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Date: 1732
"Each Line's a Transcript of his Mind!"
preview | full record— Mitchell, Joseph (c. 1684-1738)
Date: 1771, 1776
"'Could History man's secret heart reveal, / 'And what imports a heaven-born mind to learn, / 'Her transcripts to explore what bosom would not yearn!"
preview | full record— Beattie, James (1735-1803)
Date: 1789
"[T]he important overthrow of the common enemy of our religious liberty ... must be engraven on our hearts in the very deepest characters of gratitude and praise"
preview | full record— Colvill, Robert (d. 1788)
Date: 1869
One's immortal deeds may be "Engrav'd ... / On ev'ry heart in this braid land"
preview | full record— Oliphant, Carolina, Lady Nairne (1766-1845)
Date: 1869
On a tree's "fair stem were mony names, which now nae mair I see, / But they're engraven on my heart--forgot they ne'er can be!"
preview | full record— Oliphant, Carolina, Lady Nairne (1766-1845)