Date: 1781
"I have been speaking hitherto of a morning saunter; for in the evening there generally is, on St. Mark's Place, such a mixed multitude of Jews, Turks, and Christians; lawyers, knaves, and pickpockets; mountebanks, old women, and physicians; women of quality with masks; strumpets barefaced; and, ...
preview | full record— Moore, John (1729-1802)
Date: 1787
"Still crowding thoughts, a pensive train, / Rose in my soul"
preview | full record— Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Date: 1788
"For me in vain is Nature drest, / While Joy's a stranger to my breast"
preview | full record— Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Date: w. January 24, 1789
"Your dear idea reigns, and reigns alone; / Each thought intoxicated homage yields, / And riots wanton in forbidden fields."
preview | full record— Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Date: 1789, 1800
"Some sort all our qualities each to its tribe, / And think Human Nature they truly describe"
preview | full record— Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Date: 1790
"The dreadful tales of robbers' bloody deeds, / That oft had swell'd his theme while nightly stretch'd / Now crowded on his mind in all their rage / Of pistols, purses, stand! deliver! death!"
preview | full record— Wilson, Alexander (1766-1813)