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Date: 1700

"Rack'd with my griefs, my Anxious Soul survives, / Dash'd like a ship which with the Billows drives."

— Hopkins, John (b. 1675)

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Date: 1700

"Whilst our own Will our Passions shall restrain, / He [Nassaw] gives us each an Empire where to Reign."

— Hopkins, John (b. 1675)

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Date: 1704

"To my warm Soul such deep Impression give,"

— Arwaker, Edmund (c.1655-1730)

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Date: 1713-1714

"Who wrote all this--Who more than this designd / All fine impressions of Celestial mind."

— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)

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Date: 1716

"If midst of Thoughts that crowd into thy Mind, / The Care of absent Friends a Place can find, / Retire a while from Warlike Noise and Throng / Into thy inmost Tent, and listen to my Song."

— Monck [née Molesworth], Mary (1677?-1715)

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Date: 1716

"My ravish'd Heart strait like a Bird of Prey / Stoop'd at the Lure; And thus my early Youth / Was by vain Thoughts bewildred and mis-led."

— Monck [née Molesworth], Mary (1677?-1715)

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Date: 1717

Horror may invade the mind

— Dillon, Wentworth, 4th Earl of Roscommon (1637-1685)

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Date: 1724

"Thy happy Fancy form'd the bright Design, / And crowding Thoughts with charming Numbers grac'd:"

— Concanen, Matthew (1701-1749)

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Date: March 13, 1727

"Must these like empty shadows pass, / Or forms reflected from a glass? / Or mere chimeras in the mind, / That fly, and leave no marks behind?"

— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)

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Date: March 13, 1727

"And is not virtue in mankind / The nutriment that feeds the mind; / Upheld by each good action past, / And still continued by the last?"

— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.