Date: 1725
"Thus a Tempest at Sea is often an Emblem of Wrath"
preview | full record— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)
Date: 1728
"So if we have confused Sensation strengthning and fixing our private Desires, the like Sensation joined to publick Affections is necessary, lest the former Desires should wholly engross our Minds: If weight be cast into one Scale, as much must be put into the other to preserve an <...
preview | full record— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)
Date: 1728
"'Tis true indeed, that there are few Tempers to be found, wherein these Sensations of the several Passions are in such a Ballance, as in all cases to leave the Mind in a proper State, for considering the Importance of every Action or Event."
preview | full record— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)
Date: 1728
A peevish, pettish temper "disarms the Heart of its natural Integrity; it induces us to throw away our true Armour, our natural Courage, and cowardly to commit our selves to the vain Protection of others, while we neglect our own Defence"
preview | full record— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)
Date: 1728
"[D]id we consider that the time will come, when we shall be as conscious of his Presence, as we are of our own Existence; as sensible of his Approbation or [195] Condemnation, as we are of the Testimony of our own Hearts; ... how should we despise that Honour which is...
preview | full record— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)