Date: 1748, 1749
"Such is the chaos, such the rapid and continual succession of our ideas; they drive one another successively, as one wave impels another; so that it the imagination does not employ a part of its muscles, poised as it were in an equilibrium upon the strings of the brain, so as to sustain itself s...
preview | full record— Julien Offray de La Mettrie (1709-1751)
Date: 1748, 1749
"Man is fram'd of materials, not exceeding in value those of other animals; nature has made use of one and the same paste, she has only diversify'd the ferment in working it up."
preview | full record— Julien Offray de La Mettrie (1709-1751)
Date: 1748, 1749
"I mean that invigorating and impetuous principle which Hypocrates calls ενοϱμον or the soul. This principle exists and is seated in the brain at the point of origin of the nerves through which it exercises its rule over all the rest of the body."
preview | full record— Julien Offray de La Mettrie (1709-1751)
Date: 1751
"True philosophy was not known till that time; and it is but justice to say, that commencing from the last year of Cardinal Richelieu, and proceeding to those which immediately succeeded the death of Louis XIV. there came to pass in our arts, in our minds, in our manners, as well as in our govern...
preview | full record— Arouet, François-Marie [known as Voltaire] (1694-1778)
Date: 1762
"La conscience est la voix de l’âme, ces passions sont la voix du corps."
preview | full record— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)
Date: 1762
"Ils sont sourds, en effet, à la voix intérieure qui leur crie d’un ton difficile à méconnaître: Une machine ne pense point, il n’y a ni mouvement, ni figure qui produise la réflexion: quelque chose en toi cherche à briser les liens qui le compriment; l’espace n’est pas ta mesure, l’univers entie...
preview | full record— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)
Date: 1762
"Car, puisque ceux qui nient ce principe admis & reconnu par tout le genre humain ne prouvent point qu’il n’existe pas, mais se contentent de l’affirmer; quand nous affirmons qu’il existe, nous sommes tout aussi bien fondés qu’eux, et nous avons de plus le témoignage intérieur, & la voix de la co...
preview | full record— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)
Date: January 1762
"C’est lui qui porte le flambeau au fond de la caverne; c’est lui qui apprend à discerner les motifs subtils et déshonnêtes qui se cachent et se dérobent sous d’autres motifs qui sont honnêtes et qui se hâtent de se montrer les premiers. Il souffle sur le fantôme sublime qui se présente à l’entré...
preview | full record— Diderot, Denis (1713-1784)
Date: 1777
"The minds of the negroes are contracted; because slavery destroys all the springs of the soul."
preview | full record— Raynal, Guillaume Thomas (1713-1796)
Date: 1787
"Thus our thoughts are our most sacred and dearest property; and to read a bit of paper, as you call it, that does not belong to us, that contains thoughts not addressed to us, is to do an act that has all the deformity of treason, meanness, and infamy; in fine, the most vile and dishonourable ac...
preview | full record— Louise Florence Pétronille Tardieu d'Ésclavelles Épinay (marquise d') (1726-1783)