Date: 1697
"If all Cogitation be extinct, all our Ideas are extinct, so far as they are Cogitations, and seated in the Soul: So we must have them new imprest; we are, as it were, new born and begin the World again"
preview | full record— Burnet, Thomas (c.1635-1715)
Date: 1697
It is commendable for "a Man to attend to his own Thoughts and Conceptions, and the best Light he hath"
preview | full record— Burnet, Thomas (c.1635-1715)
Date: 1697
"But tho I must always acknowledg to that justly admir'd Gentleman, the great Obligation of my first Deliverance from the unintelligible way of talking of the Philosophy in use in the Schools in his time, yet I am so far from entitling his Writings to any of the Errors or Imperfections which are ...
preview | full record— Locke, John (1632-1704)
Date: 1698
"I was apt to think the best way were, to let Nature spend it self; and although those who write out of their own Thoughts do it with as much Ease and Pleasure as a Spider spins his Web; yet the World soon grows weary of Controversies, especially when they are about Personal Matters."
preview | full record— Stillingfleet, Edward (1635-1699)
Date: 1698
"Nay, such Gentlemen would be much offended their Houses should not be clean Swept, and Garnish'd; yet, they are not, in the least, concern'd, that Cobwebs should hang in the Windows of their Intellect, and Dusty Ignorance dim and blear the Sight of the Noble Inhabitant."
preview | full record— Sergeant, John (1622-1707)
Date: 1698
"The First Step we take into our Inmost Thoughts, we meet with and discover these Primary Truths: whose Self-Evidence is the Earliest Light that dawns to our Soul, as soon as over her Power of Knowing awakens into Action."
preview | full record— Sergeant, John (1622-1707)
Date: 1698
"Your Bulwarks, Entrenchments and Redoubts lay so cunningly hid in your Way of Ideas, that they were altogether Invisible; so that the most quick-sighted Engineer living could not discern them, or take any sure Aim at them: Much less such a Dull Eye as mine; who, tho' I bend my Sight as strongly ...
preview | full record— Sergeant, John (1622-1707)
Date: 1698
"From all which Considerations, (any One of which might suffice,) I may Safely and Evidently conclude, that, in point of Evidence of its Truth, and Stability of its Grounds, nothing can be any way comparable to the Light which strikes the Eye of our Understanding, by its steady Rays emitted from ...
preview | full record— Sergeant, John (1622-1707)
Date: 1698
"So that, which way soever you wriggle, to avoid our Rule, the Light of Common Reason, or Natural Logick, will force you into it, whether you will or no."
preview | full record— Sergeant, John (1622-1707)
Date: 1698
"Our own Thoughts, and those of others, do, in all our Conversations, use to come to us, clad in Words: Whence it happens, that 'tis very hard, liquidly and clearly to strip the Sense from those Words; and to consider It, and nothing but It."
preview | full record— Sergeant, John (1622-1707)