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Date: 1695

"Compos'd of these, light Scenes and Shows appear, / Which still employ the restless Theater. / Divinely mov'd, the Airy Figures take / Their several Ranks, and this bright Vision make."

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1695

"I'll keep my Soul free, as the Bird that flies i'th' Air, / And ne'er Love one, till I of all the rest despair."

— Ravenscroft, Edward (c.1650- c.1700)

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Date: 1696

The soul may leave "the reins in the wild hand of nature, who like a Phaeton, drives the fiery chariot, and sets the world on flame"

— Vanbrugh, Sir John (1664-1726)

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Date: 1696

Fancy may over-rule reason

— Granville, George, Baron Lansdowne (1666-1735)

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Date: 1696

"Poor thredbare Vertue ne'er admir'd in Court. / But seeks its Refuge in an honest Mind, / There it securely dwells, / Like Anchorets in Cells / Where no Ambition nor wild Lust resorts."

— Tutchin, John (1661-1707)

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Date: 1696

"Pitty would not now at least /Have been a stranger to her Breast"

— Oldmixon, John (1672/3-1742)

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Date: 1696

"Ambition only fired my Youth, and led me on to Greatness; but now a gentler Flame hath filled my Heart, yet more tormenting."

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"Nor did the bounteous Powers stop with these Graces; but gave also a Mind composed of Harmony: wise, as experienced Age; witty, as Youth, inspired with Poetry: and innocent, as harmless Childhood."

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"But methinks, said Olimpia, one recommended by me, should make a little deeper impression on that frigid Heart of yours."

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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Date: 1696

"All this is truth; but 'tis a Truth of such a consequence, that I must lay upon you wonderful Injunctions e're I venture to unravel it, your faithful Breast must lock this Secret up as safe as if my Life depended upon disclosing it; or if there is any thing you hold dearer, by that I conjure yo...

— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.