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Date: 1803

"Oh, Lindorf! various emotions crowd in upon my soul!"

— Boaden, James (1762-1839)

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Date: 1803

" Bless'd be that Eye which dropp'd the friendly tear, / That sign'd each truth, and stamp'd the Soul sincere!"

— Woodhouse, James (bap. 1735, d. 1820)

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Date: 1804

"The daring imp has learn'd to stand his ground; / Well steel'd his heart, and bronz'd his face"

— Wolcot, John, pseud. Peter Pindar, (1738-1819)

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Date: 1804

The "tender, feeling heart" is "Compassion's throne"

— Huddesford, George (bap. 1749, d. 1809)

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Date: 1807, 1810

Genius may give an actor "despotic empire o'er the heart"

— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)

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Date: 1807, 1810

"Passions that now are but illusive deem'd, / Then shall their empire in thy heart attain"

— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)

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Date: 1810

"They form a picture, delicate of trait, / Soft as the scene now mirror'd in thy breast"

— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.