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Date: 1701, 1704

"And indeed after all, we have no other reason to think any Proposition true in any of the Sciences, but only because we clearly perceive that it is so, and it shines out upon our Minds with and unquestionable and irresistable Light."

— Norris, John (1657-1712)

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Date: 1701, 1704

"[I]t follows that the most direct and natural Way for the discovery of Truth, is, instead of going abroad for Intelligence, to retire into our selves, and there with humble and silent Attention, both to consult and receive the Answers of interior Truth, even that Divine Master which teaches in t...

— Norris, John (1657-1712)

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Date: 1701, 1704

"As in a Looking-glass, in which he that looks does indeed immediately behold the Species in the Glass, but does also at the same time actually behold Peter or Paul whose Image it is."

— Norris, John (1657-1712)

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Date: 1701, 1704

"The application of our Thoughts to other Subjects is like looking upon the Rays of the Sun as it shines to us from a Wall, or upon the Image of it as it returns from a Watry Mirrour, but this is looking up directly against the Fons veri lucidus, the bright Source of Intellectual Light a...

— Norris, John (1657-1712)

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Date: 1701, 1704

"And tho' Truth be the Food of the Soul, and the relish of it be very Delicious and Savoury to its Tast, and tho' even in this Sense also 'Light be sweet,and a pleasant thing it is to the Eye to behold the Sun', yet it is painful and troublesom to behold it So, and Men Love Shade and Darkness, ra...

— Norris, John (1657-1712)

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Date: 1702

"Love join'd their Souls, and Heav'n seal'd each Heart"

— Sedley, Sir Charles (1639-1701)

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Date: 1702

"We'll think she brings with her Estate a Mind, / Pure as her Sterling, from it's Dross Refin'd."

— Sedley, Sir Charles (1639-1701)

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Date: 1702

"Open to Love your long-shut Breast, / And entertain its sweetest Guest."

— Sedley, Sir Charles (1639-1701)

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Date: 1702

"The faculties of the Soul, like the parts of the Body, receive nourishment from use, and derive skill as well as they do force and vigour from exercise"

— Dennis, John (1658-1734)

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Date: 1702

"But then reflecting that I might possibly o'er-hear some part of their Discourse, and by that judge of Leonora's Thoughts, I rein'd my Passion in; and by the help of an advancing Buttress, which kept me from their sight, I learnt the black Conspiracy."

— Vanbrugh, Sir John (1664-1726)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.