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Date: 1665

Minds are "like smooth paper never writ upon, / When folded up, by some impression / Marks will remain it never had before, / And ne're return to former smoothness more."

— Howard, Sir Robert (1626-1698)

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Date: 1673

"[Y]our whole frame [is] as innocent, and holy, as if your being were all soul and spirit, without the gross allay of flesh and bloud"

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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Date: August, 1674; 1675

"But thou who art not ignorant of my Rivals affairs, tell me, what passes in his Court, in his Soul!"

— Crowne, John (bap. 1641, d. 1712)

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Date: August, 1674; 1675

"My rage he scorns, and negligent appears, / And thinks the Storm will melt away in tears"

— Crowne, John (bap. 1641, d. 1712)

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Date: August, 1674; 1675

"Your bounties too him have long since deeply engraven his crimes in my Soul"

— Crowne, John (bap. 1641, d. 1712)

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Date: August, 1674; 1675

"How! Is your Soul once more enter'd into that Bondage?"

— Crowne, John (bap. 1641, d. 1712)

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Date: 1676

"Can that blind faculty the Will be free, / When it depends upon the Understanding??

— Shadwell, Thomas (1642-1692)

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Date: 1676

The understanding argues before the will can choose and "the last Dictate of the Judgment sways / The Will, as in a Balance, the last Weight / Put in the Scale, lifts up the other end"

— Shadwell, Thomas (1642-1692)

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Date: 1676

"All objects are ready form'd and plac'd / To our hands; and these the Senses to the Mind convey, / And as those represent them, this must judge: / How can the Will be free, when the Understanding, / On which the Will depends, cannot be so"

— Shadwell, Thomas (1642-1692)

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Date: 1678

"But Fancy, I think, in Poetry, is like Faith in Religion; it makes far discoveries, and soars above reason, but never clashes, or runs against it. Fancy leaps, and frisks, and away she's gone; whilst reason rattles the chains, and follows after."

— Rymer, Thomas (1641-1713)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.