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Date: 1680

"Those worthy deeds which he hath wrought / Within each breast, have left behind / Impressions, time can never blot."

— Chamberlayne, Sir James (c.1640-1699)

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Date: 1680

"Those worthy deeds which he hath wrought / VVithin each breast, have left behind / Impressions, time can never blot"

— Chamberlayne, Sir James (c.1640-1699)

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Date: 1684

A "charming Voice, and Art" may gain "the conquest of my Heart

— Oldham, John (1653-1683)

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Date: 1685

Eternal troubles may haunt an anxious mind

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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Date: 1685

"These bugbears of the mind, this inward hell, / No rays of outward sunshine can dispel; / But nature and right reason must display / Their beams abroad, and bring the darksome soul to day."

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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Date: 1685

"The soul's dark cottage, battered and decayed, / Lets in new light by chinks that time hath made: / Stronger by weakness, wiser, men become, / As they draw near to their eternal home"

— Waller, Edmund (1606-1687)

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Date: 1685

"The seas are quiet, when the winds give o'er, / So calm are we, when passions are no more"

— Waller, Edmund (1606-1687)

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Date: 1687

"And Monarch's can depose, or can create: / With secret Chains their Subjects Conscience binds, / And lays inchanted Fetters on their Minds."

— Heyrick, Thomas (bap. 1649. d. 1694)

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Date: 1687

"Such Beings Philosophick heads relate / Of heavenly stamp"

— Heyrick, Thomas (bap. 1649. d. 1694)

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Date: 1687

"Each Note tun'd up the Soul, calcin'd the Mind, / Commenc'd them something more than humane kind; / Their very Bodies into-Souls refin'd."

— Heyrick, Thomas (bap. 1649. d. 1694)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.