Date: 1778
"Still our joys are not complete, / Doubts and fears our minds invading / Till your gentle smiles we meet"
preview | full record— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)
Date: 1778
God, "Who view'st each thought yet lab'ring in my mind, / Say, in what secret cell,
/ Far from the glance of feeble human kind, / Doth pure religion dwell?"
preview | full record— Ellis, George (1753-1815)
Date: 1778
"To melancholy thoughts awakes the soul, / And lulls the mind to contemplation's dream"
preview | full record— Chatterton, Thomas (1752-1770)
Date: 1778
"And if, O love, thy potent dart / Should reach the sleeping shepherd's heart, / O! be to him a gentler guest, / And pierce, with lighter shaft, his breast."
preview | full record— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)
Date: 1778
"Every seminary of learning may be said to be surrounded with an atmosphere of floating knowledge, where every mind may imbibe somewhat congenial to its own original conceptions."
preview | full record— Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792)
Date: 1778
"An exact imitation, therefore, of those pictures, is likely to fill the student’s mind with false opinions, and to send him back a colourist of his own formation, with ideas equally remote from nature and from art, from the genuine practice of the masters and the real appearances of things."
preview | full record— Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792)
Date: 1778
"Ideas thus fixed by sensible objects, will be certain and definitive; and sinking deep into the mind, will not only be more just, but more lasting than those presented to you by precepts only: which will, always be fleeting, variable, and undetermined."
preview | full record— Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792)
Date: 1778, 1779
"I was totally spiritless and dejected; the idea of the approaching meeting,--and oh Sir, the idea of the approaching parting,--gave a heaviness to my heart, that I could neither conquer nor repress."
preview | full record— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)
Date: 1778, 1779
If "I may now judge of the time to come, by the present state of my mind, the calm will be succeeded by a storm, of which I dread the violence"
preview | full record— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)
Date: 1778, 1779
"I cannot write the scene that followed, though every word is engraven on my heart."
preview | full record— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)